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southmorehouse presents prides itself on community. Filled with poets, musicians, performers, avid participators, organizers, venues, artists and grunts of all walks of life and disciplines, they band together at each event to bring a thought provoking spectacle to the nearly suspecting. Outside the official events they network, show trade, involve each other and promote. They share space, talent and ideas with the singular goal of bringing attention to the remarkable bed of talent that lays beneath the streets of Houston, our concrete petropolis.Like any community effort, the more involved you become the bigger a part of the community you are. 


Being a local arts promotional organization, southmorehouse presents focuses only on local arts from or around Houston, Texas. We will happily direct out of towners to other members of our large community that may be able to help them and they are always welcome to attend our events.


Being part of the community comes with perks. We will gladly promote your event on our many social media sites provided it does not conflict with one of our own (and sometimes even then). When venues and events are in need of a specific style, you will be our recommendation. We have lots of equipment for community use. Just ask. Although it is not guaranteed, we wil accomodate whenever possible.


How do I become part of this community?


If you live in Houston, you are already. Now, you just need to attend an event and get to know your neighbors a little better whether it is by hosting, performing, assisting or just being there. 


We do unusual events in uncommon places

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